Care of the Virginia Opossum

Copyright 2005 © Laura Mowrey - All Rights Reserved
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Blood Draws:

Blood collection:
Lateral and ventral tail veins (preferred), cephalic, jugular, or pouch veins are acceptable sites. Avoid obtaining blood from a clipped toenail, as this is a painful method of collection. Blood volume = 5.7% BW.
RBC life = 79 days.
Normal TPR (at rest):
Temperature: 94 – 97 ° F
Pulse: 90 – 160 beats/minute
Respiration: 12 – 24 breaths/minute
Lab Values:

Specific Gravity: >1.030
PH: 6.0
Protein: Neg
Blood: Neg
Leukocytes: Neg
Nitrate: Neg
Bili: <1+
Use a refractometer for specific gravity. Urine needs to be centrifuged and the sediment examined microscopically. Cellular elements, bacteria, abnormalities in chemistries or specific gravity are an indication for C&S.
Virginia Opossum Normals:
Body Temperature: 94-97 degrees F
Pulse: 90-160 bpm
Respiration Rate: 12-24 breaths/minute
Hematology: Complete Blood count (CBC):
PCV 28 - 47 (%)
RBC 3.3 - 5.9 10/mm
Hb 8.3 - 16.2 (gm%)
MCV 64.7 - 102.9 u
MCH 22.5 - 35.9 (nug)
MCHC 28 - 43 (%)
WBC 14 - 22.9 10/mm
Neut. 12 - 67 (%)
Lymph. 13 - 67.5 (%)
Mono. 0 - 2 (%)
Baso. 0 - 2 (%)
Eosin. 2 -15 (%)
Serum Chemistry:
TP 5.6 - 8 (gm%)
Albumin 0.2 - 0.9 (gm%)
Glob. 3.7 - 7.1 (gm%)
Bun 23 - 60 (mg%)
Gluc. 99 - 145 (mg%)
Uric Acid 0.9 - 2.2 (mg%)
Total Bili. 0.3 - 0.8 (mg%)
Chol. 80 - 151 (mg%)
Ca 9.6 - 11.2 (mg%)
P 4.6 - 8.2 (mg%)
Alk. Phos. 13 - 35 (K-A units)
SGOT 250 (ku)
Na 143 - 155 (mEq/L)
K 4.1 - 6.1 (mEq/L)
Cl 100 - 108 (mEq/L)