Care of the Virginia Opossum

Copyright 2005 © Laura Mowrey - All Rights Reserved
No one may copy or reproduce the contents of this website without written permission of the owner.
Heart Disease, Cancer & Arthritis
The 2 deadly diseases that seem to take the lives of possums most often is Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and Cancer. Males in particular are prone to CHF, often effecting them at a much younger age then females. Arthritis effects nearly all possums at some point and it can become debilitating. Because of this, I urge people to do the following:
Feed foods that are known to contain natural anti-cancer properties and that are heart healthy.
Avoid feeding them junk foods, fatty foods and sugary foods. Possums (like anything else) don't miss what they have never had, so if you have a non-releaseable educational possum in your care and he/she is staring up at you with pleading eyes as your eating that dish of ice cream, do not cave in and offer a taste. There are plenty of healthy foods you can offer them instead such as a slice of apple, a couple blueberries, a leaf of kale (you get the picture).
Make sure not to overfeed your possum!
Make sure that your possum gets adequate exercise! On average possums cover about 3 miles at night while they go in search of food. Exercise wheels are a must for a captive possum, unless yours has the run of the house. California Cat Wheels and One Fast Cat both make wheels that work well for possums. They are 48 inches around so your enclosure must be large enough to accommodate one. Possums will run/walk on them for hours at time.
Obesity and Sedentary Lifestyles:
You can still be thin as a rail but out of shape if you’re sedentary, that applies to us humans as well as our animal companions. You can also be overweight but technically in better shape than your skinny counterparts if you’re active.
Like anything else, an obese possum is way more likely to experience a myriad of health problems as well as a shortened lifespan, then one who is lean and active. I have seen female possums with the base of their tails as large as my wrist, when really it should be about the same circumference of your thumb. Although I realize that genetics can play a part in being overweight, most often it is a possum who lives like a couch potato; doesn't move around much, maybe doesn't have an exercise wheel, and gets far too many "treats" (because their owners just can't resist that darling begging face), and maybe the meals are not really appropriate either; consisting of the wrong foods or too much food. I have never, ever had an overweight possum, but I have had several who got those fatty eye deposits as they aged....but the rest of their bodies were very lean and within normal limits.
In addition to the task of waddling around carrying too much weight, obesity opens them up to all kinds of health issues.
Perhaps the most predominant of them all are:
Heart Problems (CHF)
Kidney disease
Liver disease
Increased issues in relation to arthritis
Consider adding these supplements to your possums diet, starting at around the age of 6 months:

C0-Q10: CoQ10 has the potential to vastly improve health. It can help combat fatigue, for example, as well as obesity, and a weak immune system (particularly for those with HIV, other viruses, and yeast infections). It also prevents toxin overload, and swollen gums (those with periodontal disease tend to have low levels of CoQ10 in their gums).
The American Chemical Society's most prestigious honor, the Priestley Medal, was awarded to Karl Folkers, Ph.D., for his landmark Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) research. That’s because Folkers found that in addition to the benefits listed above, CoQ10’s most valuable role may lie in fighting heart disease.....which is so prevalent in our male possums.
L-CARNITINE AND TAURINE: A must for your possum! L-carnitine and taurine has been shown to help protect against damage to the heart muscle and the circulatory system.
Healthy heart function is critically dependent on adequate levels of L-carnitine.
Changes in the properties of cell membranes throughout the heart are thought to contribute to impaired heart muscle contraction and increased susceptibility to irregular beats, and to the eventual death of heart tissue. Supplementing the diet with L-carnitine increases levels within the heart tissue, and helps to prevent heart damage.
L-carnitine supplements also boost antioxidant enzyme levels, helping to protect cells from unstable molecules called free radicals. In addition to helping with angina, these cell-protective effects make L-carnitine beneficial in recovery from: heart attack, deterioration of the heart muscle, irregular heart rhythm, and congestive heart failure.
My Vet concocted a supplement recipe that incorporates heart health and immune support. I give it to the animals here every day. Doses depend on the size of the animal. Note that only Omega 3 is used, and the reason for this is Omega 6 and 9 tend to be inflammatory, while omega 3 is anti-inflammatory. You can use fish or krill oil for omega 3 or something plant based like flax oil. Just be aware that your choice on what kind of oil you use should be based on the animal your giving it to. Generally, omnivores can use either form of Omega 3, but carnivores (like cats) should be given only fish or krill omega 3 oils as their bodies cannot utilize a plant based omega 3.
1 oz Omega 3 oil (not omega 3-6-9)
1000 mg L-carnitine
1000 mg taurine
1000 iu vitamin E
400 mg CoQ10
Mix all well, stir well before each dosing. Keep refrigerated.
DOSE: 0.25-0.5ml of it per kg.
NATURE MADE GLUCOSAMINE/CHONDROITON/MSM: Arthritis is common in possums as they age. Giving them a dose of this every day can help prevent or slow joint damage.
GOLDEN PASTE: (Natural anti-inflammatory for arthritis)
Be very careful not to feed too much as it can cause upset tummies. Always mix this in well with their food, never feed it on an empty stomach. I kept Tessa on this daily for about 3 months, and then went down to 3 times a week for about a month, then twice a week as a maintenance dose. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Apart from antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic properties, the curcumin in golden paste has proven to offer positive cardiovascular effects. Animal studies have shown that regular consumption of turmeric helps protect the heart from serious conditions like an enlarged heart or even heart failure.
To prepare Golden Paste:
1/2 cup turmeric/curcumin powder
1-2 cups water (use half the total amount to begin with and have the other half ready if needed)
1/3 cup coconut or olive oil
3 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1 level TBSP Ceylon cinnamon
Combine the turmeric and water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to keep the mixture at a simmer, and cook for 7-10 minutes. Stir frequently to keep from sticking, and add more water as need to keep it to a paste consistency. The exact thickness isn't important--you can adjust that to your preference.
Remove it from the heat and allow it to cool until the pan is just warm to the touch. Add the oil, cinnamon, and pepper and stir thoroughly until they are completely mixed in. Store in a clean jar (you can sterilize it if you like) in the refrigerator. It should keep for about two weeks. If you see any sign of mold, or notice an 'off' flavor, discard and make a new batch.
If you know you won't use all of it within two weeks, you can freeze part of the batch for later use.
Small animals should start with no more than 1/8 tsp, so you need to adjust the dose accordingly spending on the size of your possum.....this gives you a basic guideline to go by, obviously there is no data on how to dose possums. I gave our 8 lb possum appx 1/8th tsp a day.
If you are using any prescription medication, it would be a good idea to consult your Vet before adding any biologically active foods like turmeric to your diet.
Cardiac Formula:
@ 2017
1 oz Omega 3 oil (not omega 3-6-9)
1000 mg L-carnitine
1000 mg taurine
1000 iu vitamin E
400 mg CoQ10
500 mg hawthorne (optional)
Mix all well, stir well before each dosing. Keep refrigerated.
Tessa’s Dose: .75 ml daily (at her top weight of 3 lbs
Cardiac Recipe © 2017
Exercise Wheels:
As stated above, exercise is extremely important for your possums health and well being. No possum should have to live in a traditional "cage". If you cannot let your possum roam the house at night,, please consider building an adequate enclosure that will accommodate the size of wheel they need. I realize not everyone has a ton of room in their homes but this is something that should be considered before you end up with a non-releaseable possum in your care. If you don't have the space, you shouldn't have the animal. I have seen far too many possums who end up miserable and living in "cages" that doesn't give them adequate space...they start to pace and often break teeth chewing on the bars in an attempt to get out. That's no way for them to live. I often tell folks to compare it to being put in a small bathroom and told that this is where they will spend the majority of the rest of their lives. Imagine how crazy you would get after awhile.
Below you will find some images of exercise wheels. They are 48 inches in circumference and work well for possums. Most will run/walk on them for hours at time at night. I will also add a couple pictures of indoor enclosures that can be built relatively easily. You could put one in a spare bedroom or a dining room.

This is a California exercise wheel. Shipped in one piece, these run several hundred dollars but they are excellent wheels.
This wheel is made by a company called One fast Cat. They ship it to you in sections and you put it together at home. Appx: $200.00
Indoor Enclosures to accommodate a wheel:

The first enclosure was 6X5X6, the 2nd one is 6X6X6, which gave enough room for a large exercise wheels and other items. Use cat trees with caution because once a possum reaches a year old, falls can become an issue. These enclosures were relatively easy to build, easy to clean as you can walk into them, and they can be built to whatever size your home can accommodate.
Apoptogen Therapy:
There is a medication that was brought to my attention, that may be effective in treating or even warding off the cancers that so many of our possums succumb to. This drug has been used with a good success rate in ferrets, dogs, and rabbits with tumors. The following is a article Dr. Cathy Johnson-Delaney sent to me:
Apoptogen Trial Theory:
Do not use with gall stones, liver hypofunction, caution in kidney patients, lowers insulin requirement, potential coagulopathy, do not use in pregnant or breeding animals, or with MAO inhibitors.
Dose: APOCAPS: each capsule is designed for a 40-50 lb dog, to be given BID on empty stomach (or as close to it as possible). Can be purchased several places online, including Amazon.com.
Use SOY LECITHIN to dilute down. These agents have poor water solubility. If soy lecithin cannot be obtained, use coconut milk (with the fat it it). These emulsifiers will help overcome absorption probs in part. The compounding process addresses this problem as well.
The supplement is a molecular blend* of non-toxic, plant derived dietary agents that have substantial, published evidence for being potentially capable of inducing non-toxic remission in cancer patients. These agents also have the ability to reduce inflammation and pain in the same way that many prescription drugs made for orthopedic problems do. Examples of these drugs are Rimadyl, Metacam, Etogesic and Deramaxx. The supplement agents are purified in a lab and delivered into the blood stream using a patented technology, a so-called Trojan Horse, to amplify available blood levels after oral administration. In this way we are creating a true polypharmacy approach, where the desired effect is accomplished by multiple pathways simultaneously for real-life clinical effect. The active ingredients in the supplement are compounded with other substances to enhance their effect in the body.
Two of the agents, EGCG and curcumin, are currently being studied in human clinical cancer trials. Each agent used has
*a molecular blend is where the actual molecules are admixed to create a truly new agent, not just mixing separate ingredients in a mixer. We achieve molecular level mingling of substances.
Luteolin: How does it work?
This is one of the big guns that is really not well known, in spite of the fact that there is a huge amount of information about it. Luteolin is a compound that can be extracted from artichokes, many herbs, peanut hulls, and other plants. It is a naturally-occurring substance, one of the bioflavinoids. Bioflavinoids are just substances that are naturally occurring and share a similar structure. Luteolin is able to shut down cancer cells through a variety of mechanisms. Cancer cells live, grow and divide. Each step has it’s own chemical pathway within the cancer cell. One signal turns on the next, and in the end of a path of reactions, something happens. Here are a few examples.
-Luteolin inhibits glycolysis. “Glycolysis” is a major way that cancer cells get energy. It involves the breakdown of sugar. When they cannot perform glycolysis, they starve. In this way, luteolin causes cancer cells to starve.
- Luteolin stops the enzyme Fatty Acid Synthase (FAS). This is enzyme is needed for another energy path for cancer cells. When FAS is turned off, cancer cell cannot get energy to live.
- Luteolin causes apoptosis. “Apoptosis” is the name for normal cell death that is supposed to happen when a cell reaches the end of its life. It is an active event that happens in healthy body cells. Cancer cells are able to avoid this, and keep living and dividing. They behave as if they are immortal, at the expense of the rest of the body. When luteolin induces apoptosis, the cancer cells die like normal cells should.
-Luteolin blocks replication of cancer cells before they divide. It disrupts the machinery in the dividing cancer cells, interfering with the DNA forming the new cancer cells to use as blueprints for life. No new DNA, no new cancer cell.
-Luteolin blocks angiogenesis. “Angiogenesis” is a process where cancer cells secrete signals into their surroundings to make the body grow new blood vessels. These arteries and veins bring new blood to the cancer cells to so the cancer can rob the body of energy and feed itself. If this process is blocked, the cancer cells cannot feed themselves, and body resources are not stolen, which in turn starves cancer cells.
-Luteolin blocks signals that cancer cells send themselves to increase their own numbers. This is an “autocrine” effect (where a cell sends a signal to itself)...less cancer growth.
-in animals: luteolin blocked carcinogen- formed tumors in mice.
-To top it off, luteolin also has some anti inflammatory effects, which can help with orthopedic problems like hip dysplasia, stiffness, back pain, arthritis, etc
Curcuminoids are found in turmeric, which is used in cooking to color food yellowish orange. This substance is found in small amounts in foods like curry. From curry powder to cancer treatment may be a big leap for some to make, but this compound is already in clinical trials for treatment of cancers.
-Causes apoptosis (healthy, normal cell death) in cancer cells.
- Prevents angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation by tumors to feed themselves at the expense of the body).
- Slows cancer cell division directly.
-Decreases levels of enzymes that send signals to cancer cells to replicate (COX-2 is the name of the enzyme).
-Suppresses the production of molecules on the surface of cancer cells in the lab that allow them to metastasize...less cancer spread.
-Disrupts the enzymes that are needed to make new DNA in new cancer cells in the lab. Cancer cells need their DNA blueprints for survival.
-Curcumin is labelled as an antioxidant in some articles. The truth is that it has mixed anti-oxidant and pro-oxidant effects in cancer treatment. A pro-oxidant increases free radicals, causing damage. Curcumin has a net pro-oxidant effects with cancer cells, but not body cells. This means that free radicals increase in cancer cells with curcumin use. This happens within the energy factories of the cancer cells, the mitochondria. They end up with holes in them. Without useable energy the cancer cells expire.
-In the animal body: A lot of literature shows that there are problems with curcumin being absorbed into the human body once it is taken by mouth. But, in the early clinical trials recently done for cancer, it was found that a marker in the bloodstream does go down in response to curcumin given by mouth. This suggests that it is getting into the blood. On top of this, in mice, curcumin given by mouth decreased the number of prostate cancer cells that were implanted in the mice’s bodies.
Since curcumin has so many test tube benefits, with evidence that it does actually have whole body effects once taken by mouth, it is included here.
To top it off, curcumin also has some anti inflammatory effects, which can help with orthopedic problems like hip dysplasia, stiffness, back pain, arthritis, etc. Additional bonuses are it is approved by Germany’s Commission E (their version of the FDA) for nausea and upset stomach. Finally, it provides some protection from doxorubicin’s heat toxicity side-effect, as an added feather in the cap.
This substance is found in nature, especially in parsley and other small edible plants.
-It causes apoptosis, or normal, healthy cell death of cancer cells.
-It decreases cancer cell numbers also by causing cell cycle arrest, where they stop dividing.
-Apigenin also decreases the abiliby of cancer cells to create blood vessels to stop them robbing the body of nutrition while feeding themselves.
-Apigenin blocks the enzyme called COX-2 (cyclooxyenase-2), which send signals to cancer cells telling them to replicate.
-Apigenin also has an interesting cancer-fighting effect. Healthy cells talk to their neighbor through little tunnels called gap junctions. These are small communication ports between cells. In cancer, this healthy communication is shut down. Apigenin has been shown to keep these channels open, to allow health-providing cell to cell communication.
-In vivo: In the following study, mice were given cancer cells from a human prostate, and apigenin was given to the mice by mouth. The mice receiving the apigenin had an overall reduction in tumor of around 1/3 to 1/2 the mice that did not get apigenin.
-By it's COX-2 inhibition, apigenin has application for cases of joint pain, hip dysplasia, arthritis, and so on.
EGCG stands for epigallocatechin gallate. It is part of a group of molecules called the polyphenols, specifically the catechins. It is found most commonly in green tea. This is another one of those compounds that is labelled as an antioxidant, but has effects on cancer, after it starts, that nothing to do with this. EGCG is in clinical trials here in America for cancer treatment at the Mayo Clinic.
- In the test tube, ECGC has been shown to increase programmed cell death of cancer cells (apoptosis).
-It causes the dividing cancer cells to stop dividing in the middle of their growth.
-EGCG also blocks signaling molecules that cancer cells use to stimulate their own growth.
-It interferes with angiogenesis (new blood vessels formed by tumors to feed themselves at the expense of the body).
-Another way cancers spread is by invasion into healthy body tissue. They secrete enzymes that break down the healthy tissue, making space for themselves. These enzymes are called matrix metaloproteinases (MMP's). ECGC helps to block MMP's, slowing cancer spread.
-In vivo:ECGC given to mice, by mouth, with tumors caused the tumors to shrink to about a third of the size they were before. This was found after 5 weeks of taking ECGC by mouth.
All of the positive effects of this compound are too lengthy to include.
These agents should be combined with Milk Thistle (silymarin) for even more clinical benefit.