Care of the Virginia Opossum

Copyright 2005 © Laura Mowrey - All Rights Reserved
No one may copy or reproduce the contents of this website without written permission of the owner.
Basic Necessities:

Micro-Tek Antimicrobial Shampoo. I use this shampoo to bathe any possum that have sores of any kind. it works amazingly well and has a wonderful scent. I purchase mine on Amazon.com. Cick on the possum below:
I recommend everyone who care for wounds on opossums to get a bottle of this wound care spray.
Vetericyn-VF is a non-toxic and non-irritating, broad-spectrum antimicrobial that in solution kills 99.999% of most singlecell pathogens in 30 seconds, including antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria as well as fungi, viruses and spores. The active ingredient is hypochlorous acid which is generated in activated neutrophils and contributes to the destruction of bacteria. This process is similar to the response given by the pet's immune system. Vetericyn-VF does not contain steroids, antibiotics, alcohols, iodine or tea tree oil, making it safe for a wide range of animals with even the most sensitive systems. Vetericyn-VF is non-toxic and does not harm healthy tissue. The pH of Vetericyn-VF is manufactured in an appropriate physiological range so that it will not sting when applied.
Key Benefits:
* Great for all animals
* Does not harm healthy tissue
* Reduces or eliminates wound odors
* Safe as saline, for the environment and patient
* No rinsing required after application to animal
* Does not stain clothing or furniture after application
* Easy to use which improves patient compliance
Directions for use: Clean and debride wound as needed with Vetericyn-VF. Allow Vetericyn -VF to saturate the area for 30 seconds. The benefits of Vetericyn-VF can last up to six hours. There are no known contraindications nor are there any known negative drug interactions. It is not recommended to use Vetericyn-VF in conjunction with any other wound care ointments or solutions. It is safe to use in conjunction with systemic antibiotics. Wrapping is not necessary but the wound may be dressed in sterile gauze if desired. Apply Vetericyn to the wound and saturate the dressing before application.
Make certain you are buying Vetericyn-VF, versus regular Vetericyn. The VF formula is much stronger in strength. I purchased mine off of Amazon.
Items to keep on hand at home:
Esbilac puppy GOAT-MILK based formula
Feeding tubes: sizes 1.8, 2.8 and 3.5 use single lumen tubes only!
Quality low fat dog kibble (stay within 26-28% protein content)
Smart water, bottled spring water
1 cc syringes, both with and w/o needles
3cc syringes
1cc, 5cc and 10cc Luer lock syringes to use with feeding tubes
Pipettes for feeding (large- 7ml)
De-wormer medications: Panacur, Flagyl, Revolution and Ivermectin
Latex gloves
Plenty of soft, warm blankets
Old towels
Stuffed animals for babies to snuggle up to
Heating pads (the type that do not turn themselves off)
Scissors, tweezers, hemostats
Cotton balls
Betadine solution
Mild shampoo (for kittens)
Dawn blue dish soap (a bath in this will kill fleas)
Bandages, splints, wraps, antibiotic cream, surgical tape
Homeopathic & Bach Flower remedies
Nystatin, Amoxicillin
Liquid Iron (Geritol or Pet Tinic)
Sufficiently sized enclosures for all stages of growth
Extra space in case you need to separate a litter
Emergency/fellow rehabber contact info
Saline eye wash
Calendula cream or gel
A good digital gram/ounce/pound scale
Sub-Q-Fluids and appropriate equipment such as butterfly syringes; (gauges 22-24 for small babies)
Timer for feedings; your days of sleeping are over!
Did I miss anything? Probably!
Some folks carry various first aid items and I used to as well, but since we don’t travel far, I prefer to wait until we get the animal(s) home to assess and treat.
If you are transporting an injured adult, it is best that you either have a dog carrier (OR) a tote bin that has latches on the sides! Make sure to pre-drill air holes if you’re using a bin/tote. HINT: use the bin to hold all the items listed in this document.

Disposable gloves and disposable hand warmers.

A pair of heavy leather gloves for handling injured adults is always a good thing to have on hand!

Keep a stash of old towels and blankets in your car!

I ALWAYS keep baby wipes and hand sanitizer in the car!
If you happen upon a situation at night, you need to be able to see what your doing, and to search the area for babies that may be injured and or scattered. I carry both a head lamp and a flashlight in our car.

Bach Flower Rescue Remedy (for shock)
Paper towels
1-2 large garbage bags
Small shovel
With these items on hand you are ready to pick up injured or orphaned babies, and keep them warm until you can safely get them home. The shovel, well, that’s for moving and or burying the dead animals you might see in a street somewhere. ALWAYS remember that a dead animal on or near a road will attract other animals to it, putting their lives in danger as well. Please be kind and out of respect to the deceased and to other creatures, move dead animals off the roadways as safely as you can.
Much more detailed information can be found on the baby care page of this website such as where to buy feeding tubes, etc..... If you are in South America, please message Deb Slavent in Cozumel, Mexico for assistance. I know not all of the brands we use here in the US are available outside the country. You can find her personal page on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/dslavent
Her Possum page on Facebook is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/194110891435373